Why does cryptocurrency go up in value ?


Why does cryptocurrency go up in value ?

Cryptocurrencies, like any other currency, gain value dependent on the size of the community.

If the demand for cryptocurrency exceeds the supply, it goes up in value. People want to hold more of a cryptocurrency when it is helpful, which drives up demand. People do not want to sell it because they want to use it. This indicates that there is more demand than supply, resulting in an increase in value.

How Does Cryptocurrency Gain Value?

On trading platforms, cryptocurrency might appreciate in value. Its value rises as supply and demand increase.

The supply of a cryptocurrency is determined by the number of new coins created and the number of current owners who wish to sell their coins.

The demand for a cryptocurrency is influenced by a variety of factors. The demand for the coins will rise in proportion to their use. This means that if the crypto monetary system functions well (i.e., fast transactions and low costs), smart contracts become more widely used, and more businesses begin to embrace crypto, demand for crypto will rise. Additionally, bitcoins are becoming more popular as a store of value investment.

What factors influence the value of a cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrencies' value changes based on the market's assessment of its value at any particular time, much like any other market. These variations may be caused by some of the above-mentioned supply and demand factors, or they may occur as a result of unknown market forces.

Supply and Demand

Why does cryptocurrency go up in value ?, Supply and demand

Supply and demand determine the value of anything. When demand grows faster than supply, the price rises. If there is a drought, for example, grain and produce prices will rise if demand does not shift. Cryptocurrencies follow the same supply and demand principles.

A cryptocurrency's supply is always known. Some, like Bitcoin, have a predetermined maximum supply. Others, like as Ether (CRYPTO:ETH), have no production limit. Existing tokens are "burned" in some cryptocurrencies to keep the circulating supply from growing too high and delaying inflation. Burning a token involves sending it to an unrecoverable blockchain address.

Each cryptocurrency has its own monetary policy. Each new block mined on the network adds a predetermined amount to the Bitcoin supply. Ethereum pays a fixed reward per block mined, but it also compensates for inserting "uncle blocks" in fresh blocks, which improves the blockchain's efficiency. As a result, the supply growth isn't as predictable. Some cryptocurrency supplies are wholly determined by the project's management team, which can choose to issue more tokens to the public or burn tokens to control the money supply.

As word spreads about a project or the utility grows, demand may rise. The demand for a cryptocurrency increases as it becomes more widely accepted as an investment, thus limiting the circulating supply. When institutional investors began buying and holding Bitcoin in early 2021, for example, the price skyrocketed as demand outpaced the rate at which new coins were generated, essentially reducing the total possible supply of Bitcoin.

Similarly, as more decentralized finance (DeFi) initiatives come up on the Ethereum blockchain, demand for Ether grows. Regardless of the cryptocurrency you're interacting with, you'll need Ether to complete a transaction on the blockchain. Alternatively, if a DeFi initiative gets off, its own token will become more valuable, increasing demand.

Other factors that determine Bitcoin price

Cryptocurrencies are typically ungoverned and unbacked by a central body. Consumer confidence in the value of a currency can be improved by government backing, and it can offer a large spender and collector of the currency. (For a unique experience, try paying your taxes in Bitcoin.) However, because cryptocurrencies are decentralized, they draw their value from a variety of sources, including:

  • Cost of production
  • Availability on exchanges
  • Competition
  • Governance
  • Regulations
  • Node count
  • Mass adoption
  • Inflation on Fiat currency

Cost of production ( mining )

Why does cryptocurrency go up in value ? Cost of production mining

Mining is the process by which new cryptocurrency tokens are created. Using a computer to validate the next block on the blockchain is known as bitcoin mining. Cryptocurrency's ability to function is due to the decentralized network of miners. In exchange, the protocol generates a reward in the form of cryptocurrency tokens, plus any fees paid to the miners by the trading parties.

Computing power is required to verify the blockchain. In order to mine bitcoin, participants must invest in pricey equipment and electricity. The more competition there is for mining a cryptocurrency in a proof-of-work system, such as those employed by Bitcoin and Ethereum, the more difficult it is to mine. That's because, in order to verify a block, miners compete to solve a difficult arithmetic problem. As a result, the cost of mining rises as more powerful equipment is required to mine effectively.

As mining expenses rise, the value of the cryptocurrency must rise as well. Miners will not mine if the value of the money they are mining is insufficient to cover their costs. And, because miners are required to make the blockchain work, the price will have to rise as long as there is a demand for it.

Cryptocurrency exchange

Bitcoin and Ether, two popular cryptocurrencies, are traded on a variety of platforms. The most popular tokens are listed on almost every cryptocurrency market.

Some smaller tokens, on the other hand, may only be accessible on a few exchanges, limiting access to some investors. Some wallet providers will gather quotes from many exchanges for any set of cryptocurrencies, but they will charge a fee for doing so, raising the cost of investing. In addition, if a cryptocurrency is thinly traded on a tiny exchange, the spread taken by the exchange may be too wide for some investors.

More exchanges listing a cryptocurrency can increase the amount of investors ready and able to acquire it, hence increasing demand. And, everything else being equal, when demand grows, so does the price.


There are thousands of different cryptocurrencies, and new projects and tokens are launched on a daily basis. New competitors face a low barrier to entry, but producing a sustainable cryptocurrency also necessitates the development of a network of cryptocurrency users.

A useful blockchain application can quickly grow a network, especially if it addresses a flaw in a rival service. If a new competitor develops traction, it depletes the value of the incumbent, causing the incumbent's price to fall as the new competitor's token's price rises.

Interval governance

Cryptocurrency networks rarely follow a set of rigid rules. Developers make changes to projects based on the feedback they receive from the community. Some tokens, known as governance tokens, give their owners a vote in how a project develops in the future, including how a token is mined and utilized. Stakeholder consensus is required before any modifications to a token's governance can be implemented.

Ethereum, for example, is attempting to switch from a proof-of-work to a proof-of-stake system, thereby rendering most of the expensive mining equipment in data centres and people's basements obsolete. Ether's value will surely be affected as a result of this.

Investors, on the whole, prefer stable governance. Even if a cryptocurrency's operation has shortcomings, investors prefer the devil they know to the one they don't. As a result, where things are somewhat difficult to change, stable governance can be beneficial in terms of delivering more consistent prices.

The long process of updating software to improve protocols, on the other hand, may limit the upside potential of bitcoin values. It is detrimental to present stakeholders if an update that would unleash value for bitcoin investors takes months to implement.

Regulations and laws

Why does cryptocurrency go up in value ? Regulations and laws

There is substantial debate about who should regulate cryptocurrency exchanges. Cryptocurrencies are securities, like stocks and bonds, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), but commodities, like coffee or gold, according to the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Cryptocurrency exchanges are not regulated by either of them. A deciding verdict might bring more clarity and boost bitcoin values while also allowing more widely traded crypto-related financial instruments to emerge.

To make bitcoin trading easier, regulation is essential. ETFs and futures contracts, for example, provide investors wider access to cryptocurrencies, enhancing its value. Furthermore, regulation may allow investors to take short positions or gamble against the price of cryptocurrencies via futures or options contracts. This should result in more accurate price discovery and less volatility in bitcoin pricing.

Regulations may potentially have a negative impact on bitcoin demand. If a regulatory agency modifies its laws to discourage cryptocurrency investment or use, the price of cryptocurrencies may fall.

Node count

The number of nodes in a cryptocurrency is a good predictor of its worth. The node count is a measurement of how many active wallets are on the network and may be found on the internet or on a currency's homepage.

To determine whether a currency has a fair price, look up the node count and total market capitalization of the cryptocurrency, then compare those two numbers to those of other cryptocurrencies.

This is one method of determining whether a coin has been overbought. Node Count also indicates how robust a cryptocurrency's community is. The stronger the community, the more nodes there are. This is crucial to understand in order to calculate the currency's prospects of overcoming crises.

Mass adoption

If a currency obtains widespread acceptance, its value might skyrocket. This is due to the fact that the total quantity of cryptocurrencies is limited, and as demand rises, so does the price.

But, in order for cryptocurrencies to be fully adopted by the masses, what conditions are still required? The first is the applicability of cryptocurrencies in real-world circumstances, or the number of locations that accept them as a form of payment. If a cryptocurrency, like today's fiat currencies, has a use case in everyday life, it will be in a strong position to play a significant role in the future.

Inflation on Fiat currency

If the value of a fiat currency falls, the value of Bitcoin rises in relation to that currency. This is because your Bitcoins will allow you to purchase more of that money. This dynamic is still visible today, thanks to the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, and other central banks generating money and keeping interest rates artificially low.

What made cryptocurrency valuable in first place ?

Coin's utility

To make a cryptocurrency valuable, it must be useful. Any cryptocurrency is mainly a representation of blockchain technology, which is a decentralized digital ledger. So, in order for a crypto coin to be useful, it must be usable within a specific blockchain environment.

Let's look at Ethereum as an example. Without an Ether, you won't be able to use the Ethereum platform. Ether is a cryptocurrency designed to "fuel" Ethereum transactions. As a result, the value of Ethereum is determined by the demand for its services.

Dividend payments, method of exchange within a blockchain ecosystem, voting rights, and other uses for cryptocoins are all possible.


Why does cryptocurrency go up in value ? Scarcity

The term "scarcity" refers to the digital currency' limited supply. To make the coins more valuable, the demand should exceed the supply in the ideal scenario. Bitcoin, for example, has a finite quantity that never exceeds 21 million coins. Bitcoin, as the most prominent cryptocurrency on the market, is in high demand and is increasing in value. Some currencies use a so-called "burning" process to drive the rise in value by destroying a portion of the coin supply.

Perceived value of the project

Any cryptocurrency's worth is determined by the project's overall feasibility and development progress. In the viewpoint of the market, projects that continue to develop, passing one milestone after another, forming lucrative alliances, or releasing user-friendly software become more valued. All of these are indicators that contribute to the project's positive perception and influence the value of its cryptocurrency.

How Users Increase Crypto Value ?

Why does cryptocurrency go up in value ? How Users Increase Crypto Value ?

There are a few other ways for consumers to boost the value of their money.

  1. Buy low, sell high –Users can raise the value of crypto by buying and holding coins utilizing the standard investment method of buying low and selling high. As a result of the increased demand, the value of the cryptocurrency rises.
  2. Mining - mining Bitcoins or other altcoins can be lucrative. It has an effect on the supply of cryptocurrencies as well.
  3. Increasing utility - the usefulness of crypto increases as more institutions invest in it and accept it as a means of payment. You can participate in this process as a user. In the long run, this will raise the value of cryptocurrencies.
  4. Media coverage –Cryptocurrency values fluctuate in response to media coverage. Users can make a difference by using their social media profiles.

Why Market Cap matters more than the individual coin price?

The market capitalisation of a coin is a simple indicator of its market worth. The market capitalization index is calculated by multiplying the total circulating supply by the individual coin price.

Market cap = Total Circulating Supply * Price of each coin.

 Let's have a look at a scenario. If Coin A has 200,000 coins in circulation, each worth $3, the market capitalization of the cryptocurrency is $600,000.

Similarly, if Coin B has 100,000 coins in circulation, each worth $4, the market capitalization is 100,000*4= $400,000.

Despite the fact that Coin B has a greater individual price, Coin A looks to have a considerably higher total value than Coin B. As a result, the coin market cap index is a better indicator of a cryptocurrency's genuine price.

How Do You Make a Bitcoin Price Prediction?

Bitcoin's price does not follow any predictable patterns. It fluctuates in value depending on how people feel about cryptocurrencies at any particular time. When there are more buyers than vendors, the price rises.

Influencers and celebrities, of course, have the power to impact the price of various cryptocurrencies. Sometimes it's for no reason at all (or because a well-known individual wants the price to rise or fall), and other times it's for a semi-meaningful purpose, such as a corporation accepting a type of crypto or another as payment.

Bitcoin can be manipulated, much like any other cryptocurrency, collectible, and many unique objects. In many ways, though, this is similar to the difference between large-cap and penny stocks. Penny stocks are more difficult to manipulate than large-cap equities since they trade in lower volumes.

Because bitcoin trades at considerably bigger quantities than lesser cryptocurrencies, it can't be manipulated as readily as smaller cryptocurrencies.

Why use Satoshi pricing in determining the crypto value?

Let's begin at the very beginning. Bitcoin's creator(s) are Satoshi Nakamoto and Satoshi Nakamoto (the pseudonym anyway). The crypto community honoured him/her/them by naming the smallest unit of Bitcoin after him.

So a Satoshi is equal to 0.00000001 BTC, and Satoshi pricing is based on this unit as the only 'point of reference' for trading most of the 1500 cryptocurrencies available.

USD is a great analogy for this. You know how the USD is used to trade not just fiat currency but also oil and other commodities? It's the exact same thing. The majority of cryptocurrencies can only be obtained by initially purchasing Bitcoin.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Simply said, a cryptocurrency is a digital asset. It was named a currency because it was designed to function as a means of exchange in the same way as fiat currencies do today.

Internet-based transactions are recorded in a blockchain. The blockchain records each unit's transaction history and is used to prove ownership. Virtual tokens are the greatest way to visualize digital assets. To the internal system, these tokens have meaning and can be designed to record financial transactions and other important data.

Crypto's most profitable characteristic is still its usage as a monetary system. It allows users to transfer and receive cryptocurrency in return for goods and services. Cryptocurrencies have distinct advantages since they are not governed by any central body. Processing fees are usually minimal to non-existent. There is less government regulation and supervision. This means that cryptocurrencies are movable, immune to inflation, and have a visible transaction history.

What Are the Different Types of Crypto?

Why does cryptocurrency go up in value ? What Are the Different Types of Crypto?

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of different cryptocurrencies available now, with new ones appearing every week. The following are some of the more well-known cryptocurrencies:

Ethereum,  Cardano,  Dogecoin,  Polygon, Stellar,  Tether,  Shiba Anu, etc 

However, there are three main types of cryptocurrencies at the moment:
  • Bitcoin
  • Altcoins
  • Tokens

Each of these methods of cryptography is covered in further depth further below.


Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, is a capped cryptocurrency. This means that once 21 million Bitcoins have been mined, there will be no more.

Because Bitcoin is a capped currency, it can be utilised as a store of value investment vehicle. Investing in a store of value currency is comparable to gold investing. Despite the fact that gold has some transactional value, it is mostly utilized as a store of value.

Bitcoin is mined using a Proof-of-Work mechanism. To keep the Bitcoin blockchain functioning, a network of miners performs sophisticated calculations. Miners are rewarded with newly created Bitcoins in exchange for their efforts. Bitcoin's transactional mechanism can now have a tangible value thanks to Proof-of-Work. A Bitcoin is equivalent to a particular amount of processing power.


Tokens were developed so that smart contracts or tokens might be used as a type of currency. They are utilized on decentralized applications and do not have a blockchain (dApps).

Crypto coins rely on the mining process and the ensuing blockchain as a physical representation of the currency. Reserve banks used to keep gold reserves that supported their fiat currencies, similar to how they do now.

Tokens, on the other hand, are not a physical representation of anything. They can be used to make purchases from dApps and to earn discounted fees and voting fees, which is why they are becoming increasingly popular. This is analogous to when fiat currencies were decoupled from the gold standard.


Altcoins are similar to Bitcoins, but with a few differences. They are frequently caused by a Bitcoin fork. Altcoins come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

The blockchain itself has some significant distinctions between Bitcoin and altcoins. The supply of several altcoins is uncapped, which affects how they are used. The blockchain has been made faster by several altcoins, which has sped up both mining and transactions.

The method of verification used to confirm transactions varies amongst altcoins. While some altcoins employ Proof-of-Work consensus, others use Proof-of-Stake consensus, which substitutes validators for miners. Because Proof-Of-Work miners must do far more 'work' to mine blocks, Proof-Of-Stake mining requires far less energy and resources than Proof-Of-Work mining.

Smart contracts can also be created with altcoins. These smart contracts can be performed automatically if specific circumstances are met. There is no need for a third-party to be involved, and they may be completed right away. Smart contracts may be utilised in a wide range of transactions, including real estate, stock, and gas, making them an intriguing investment.

Still don't understand the difference between Altcoin and Token ?

Altcoins is currency i.e money. It's job is buy with it.

Token is assets like NFT and other digital assets.  And in real world, it will be like gold, land, etc. You sell it.

Crypto Trading

Cryptocurrency trading is a very young and rapidly expanding aspect of the crypto world. The use of crypto as a monetary system is distinct from trading. Instead, consumers purchase and trade cryptocurrency in the same way as they would stock. Buying shares provides you ownership of the corporation, whereas buying a token offers you ownership of the cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency transactions are taxed in the same way as stock trading transactions in the United States. This shows how the majority of users profit from the crypto industry.

The crypto monetary system influences the cost of crypto trading in the same way that a company's share price is influenced by the desirability of its products. The supply of a cryptocurrency, the market's demand for it, availability, and rival cryptocurrencies all influence its value.


  • The value of a cryptocurrency can fluctuate dramatically, although over time, the volume of transactions has increased as volatility has decreased. It's unclear whether this tendency will continue. It's important to consider the possibility of a large price adjustment. Every trader and investor must assess the great potential of cryptocurrencies against the risks to which these currencies are currently vulnerable.
  • Many elements will determine a digital currency's long-term value, including true mass acceptance and the real value that such currencies provide to our daily lives (when compared to other traditional payment methods). Another important factor will be whether governments and central banks embrace or oppose new technology. Last but not least, usability and security are critical components that must progress beyond current standards to allow everyone to maintain their bitcoins readily and securely available for usage in our daily lives.
  • All of these factors combine to make it impossible to precisely estimate the price of cryptocurrencies, but they also keep traders and investors interested in the market on a daily basis.
  • You can make smarter bitcoin investing selections if you grasp the fundamental principle of supply and demand that underpins cryptocurrency value and the factors that influence it. If you feel demand will rise for reasons X, Y, and Z and supply will not keep pace, bitcoin could be a solid investment. However, keep in mind that governments currently lack best practices for regulating cryptocurrencies, making it a dangerous and volatile investment in any case.

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